Samantha The Sex Doll: Men Should Give us females a break!!

Tongues have been wagging due to the human-like sex doll, Samantha. Is it a case of misplaced entitlement or just plain cowardice?

Some men are feeling entitled to bash at women by claiming Samantha is well, kiboko yao. She is going to put women in their place. For the feminist, well, soon they will be off the market completely. I mean men wouldn’t have to stand their yapping no more. As for  slay queens, they should watch out. Competition has arrived. Samantha  is way pretty and fake to boot. But she doesn’t cost a dime like they do for maintenance; save maybe for the electrical bills from Kenya Power and the incurred bill upon purchase.

But the men who think Samantha is the ultimate answer, get off your high horses for a second. Or should I say your high for thinking, Samantha, is the perfect answer for your perceived ‘problems’?

You see, women are not the problem. You are. You want absolute autonomy. You want to live in a utopian fantasy. A fantasy where  your perceived ‘perfect’ woman is, Samantha. She does not nag, complain, bitch about, say no to you or hell, demand anything. Simply put, sex dolls like yours truly, are perfect for your ego because they give you the illusion of complete sexual domination over a woman. There is no fear for expectation of a mutually beneficial relationship where free will is exercised.

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Rather, you like the idea of one-sided relationships. Is it  because you are afraid? Afraid of the pressure to perform well, reciprocate your partner’s needs first before yours? Or you simply can’t meet demands made and your fragile ego can’t take the honest truth – that you just need to up your bedroom skills?

Some of us women, we suffer alot in the hands of men who think they are all prowess and kumbe they just don’t have an A game. Later, to cover their inadequacies, they would be like, that woman’s hole was too big, my man part couldn’t settle in, couldn’t be held like a glove, it kept coming off. I don’t even know how many men have been there! In real sense, he is just describing his tool which couldn’t do its work. It’s like a farmer complaining about his hoe. You know what they say, mchagua jembe si mkulima.

But women don’t run when shit gets real. They don’t go creating Samanthas to cover up their inadequacies. They don’t go around bitching how hard real relationships with breathing men are.They don’t go about talking on and on about betrayals, being cheated on and shit. They suck it in and try with a real man, who ain’t afraid to admit he is just but a human being and ain’t perfect.

If you want perfect, Samantha caters  for you. She not only talks, but moans if sexually pleasured according to Dr. Sergio Santos, her creator. And oh yeah, she comes in different modes and has three sexy settings- romantic, calm and nasty. And she merely costs $ 3,300.

But for ya’ll real men out there, let me salute you first to begin with. You realize a woman is a human being like you. She has a personality and  ain’t compliant to your every gratification.  I also salute you for not endorsing sex dolls because they simply magnify that women are sexually inferior to men. And men are entitled to be sexually aggressive, while women are expected to just take it all in, with no thoughts or reactions whatsoever. Like, Samantha, the sex doll.

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